
BootWerks is pleased to offer high quality consignment Boots, Leather Jackets, and other related products.

Buyers, if you are in the market for high quality used boots or leather Jackets, BootWerks offers a carefully curated selection of quality boots from well known boot makers such as Wesco, Dehner, Halls, Corcoran and Jackets by Schott, Vanson, Langlitz and many others. When you buy used boots and leathers from BootWerks you are buying not just the item but Stompers reputation for only offering the best!

Sellers, if you have quality Boots, Leather Jackets, or other items that fit our culture to sell, the BootWerks marketplace can get you top dollar for your vintage gear. Our customers know that we offer only the best. If you have high quality Boots, Leather Jackets, or other high-quality items to sell, we offer the highest payout and we will even pay the shipping costs to get your quality consignments to our Fort Lauderdale location.

If you are interested in consigning with us, please call or text the store at 954.761.1236, or fill out our Contact form.